only one page, to go and cases presenting thing, life. people passing through here, thank you very

Monday, July 30, 2012

Little house

 Walking for the montain, and when I comeback to the same place, was very interesting, I saw that little house and...
I never thought it would be my sweet home for a week.
Now... I´m here wrinting about that little house, remembering the silence of night, simple food, cool water, SPECIAL PEOPLE.
It a good place for visit or live.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The road.

When we have just one line,  one road.
And we want that tomorrow will be different or better. 
So, walking and walking and maybe there will something better than today 

 Between St. Félix and Hato Chamí - Ngäbe Bugle.
The invitation is open. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

A family like other

Hi everybody, now I want to present this family.
This family, like other families living in the Indian region Ngäbe Bugle, Panama. have many problems,  example: the house.

we are working, we want to make something by the dream of many families.